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Pay Per Click

August PPC Results

By September 19, 2022No Comments

Ignite will breathe

new life to your

online presense.

We bring golfers to your golf course via paid ads. Giving them what they want when they want it.

August PPC Results

Our Ads Platform is 100% Optimized to Google Specs

In July and the first week in August, we set out on a task to rebuild all of the ad accounts on our platform. After working 60-70 hour work weeks we completed this task. The results have been staggering. Lower cost per click, increased conversions, more phone calls and extremely higher revenues.

Weekly we review your account and look at the google suggestions. As each week with changing conditions googles optimization rating begins to fall. We review and choose the suggestions to optimize on your account. The ones that make sense.

We get to know you and your business

We meet with you every 30 days to go over the numbers and learn more about your operations, the seasonality, and things quite frankly the Google angle algorithm can’t possibly know.

This personal touch ensures and that your account stays on track and on target. Experience results like you’ve never seen before on ignite paper click services.

Mark Farrow

Mark was a golf course owner-operator, a PGA Member for 24 years, served as executive director for the Florida Golf Course Owners Association, was the Director of Acquisitions at one of the largest golf management companies, and is passionate about growing revenues through digital marketing at foreUP.

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