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Collecting good data has never been as important as it has been over the last year. Because of  COVID, we saw a tailwind for the first time in a long time. A surge of new players entering the game and an increased number of rounds from regulars.  A fun outdoor sport that everyone can enjoy! Many players have never played before, but have come to golf because they needed an activity, and they found it — fun in GOLF!

Courses have realized some incredible growth rates in their foreUP customer databases.

Here are a few courses growth rates over the last 4-5 years:

Rounds of Golf Growth fMS
Rounds of Golf Growth fMS
Rounds of Golf Growth fMS
fMS Database Growth

We’ve seen some tremendous growth! Many courses have doubled the size of their customer database over the past 2-3 years.

Cultivating these customers into lesson programs and other ancillary activities at the course should be a primary goal right now to capitalize on all of this traffic. We are in the middle of an opportunity to continue to strengthen the bond with these new customers and get them back out to your facility.

The value of this information has never been so high. Are you asking your staff to collect good information on your customers? Booking online we get 100% good data, but how are the call-in and walk-up opportunities doing?

We have a report for this.  When you subscribe to fMS, we turn on foreUP analytics.  There are several helpful reports in this BI tool.  One of them is called “Employee Customer Data Fill Rate.”  This report essentially measures your front-line level staff on how well they are collecting the data that you are asking them to collect.  During their normal use of the software and customer database if I reserve a tee time for a customer and don’t collect an email that will count once against my percentage for the time period measured.

Customer Data Fill Rate foreUP Marketing

In the report shown here, we see that for the last 596 customers touched in the system this club captured 11% of birthdates, 100% of  emails, 22% of addresses, 19% of zip codes, 54% were tagged with a group.

You can also see by employee name who’s producing the best results. This is a very handy report for pro shop staff meetings. Point out the A players and have a good chat with the lower performing staff members that aren’t getting numbers as high.

Your foreUP database is an incredibly powerful tool and can make your marketing even more effective. By using the database, you’ll stay connected to your golfers and they’ll stay connected to you through texts, emails, and other communications. 

The fMS team knows that staying connected to your customers is top-tier priority when it comes to marketing. 

Not an fMS client? Get a demo today to see the difference great marketing makes.

Mark Farrow

Mark was a golf course owner-operator, a PGA Member for 24 years, served as executive director for the Florida Golf Course Owners Association, was the Director of Acquisitions at one of the largest golf management companies, and is passionate about growing revenues through digital marketing at foreUP.

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